Monday, April 27, 2009

So much stuff!

Alrighty, it's been almost a week and a half since I blogged and I can't even believe how much has happened!!!

First things first: My parents made it into town on Friday afternoon, we headed to the base for the Month of the Military Child Parade that was at the CDC. Zoey had a lot of fun walking with Priscilla and the rest of the class, I was shocked that it was an actual parade! There was a Fire Truck, a marching band from one the high schools from around, cheerleaders, all the kids at the CDC, plus some Home Care kids. It was a lot of fun, plus I decorated the shirts and buggy for my class... I'm glad it's over to tell you the truth!

After that we went to Chili's, Beau's favorite place. It was fun, and anywhere Zoey can get some good chocolate milk is a hit with her!

The next day was the big party!!!! I think we counted 32 people, including kids, that

showed up! Mostly people from work, my friend Susan and her kids, my neighbor Ashley and her family, and us. Everyone had a super time, Zoey ended up with 7 Barbie's... thanks a lot guys, very funny! I mentioned at work that I didn't really do the Barbie thing with Zoey since I wasn't really into Barbie's growing up so, yeah, that's what they got her! She loves them, so they got it right! I can't even list what all she got, she got sooooo much stuff. I'm just so relieved that nobody got hurt in the bouncy castle and everyone had a good time!
The next day we went to the Zoo, had to take Nana and Papa to feed the giraffes! Zoey took most of the pictures including this one of Papa! You have to realize, my father NEVER smiles for pictures, but of course for Zoey he did. I love it! She also took this one of a leaf on the ground, I think we ended up with about a dozen pictures of either the ground or the back of my legs!

We had a really good visit and my parents left on Monday morning to head back to Kansas... Zoey was completely heart-broken! She was pretty teary for about an hour and then around supper time the dog and cat were playing around in the living room and made a noise. Zoey ran in there yelling, "Nana and Papa are here! They came back! Nana and Papa are here!" She was kinda upset when they weren't there, but she knows they went back to Kansas and we'll get to see them as soon as we can!

Yesterday Zoey took a nap in the morning (completely unlike her) and woke up and was having trouble breathing and was really wheezy. I took her to the Walk-In Clinic, waited for about an hour and a half, and they rushed us back, gave her a breathing treatment and some steriods. The Dr. lectured me a bit that I should've taken her to the ER but I didn't know! They were rude to me all around, I hope we never need to go back! They said she had Bronchiolitis which is like Bronchitis but it's caused by a virus, not an infection, and is in a different part of the lung. They thought she had pneumonia at first so I was thankful that it wasn't.

I brought her home and she was still a little wheezy and I left to get her prescriptions filled when Beau thought she was getting more wheezy and not acting right so he took her to the ER. I pulled the prescriptions, headed to the ER where we spent the next 4 1/2 hours of our day! They told us the same thing, she would be wheezy still the first day, gave her another breathing treatment and more steriods. Zoey was losing her mind, they said it's from all the meds, but she's been hitting, kicking, biting, screaming, trying to claw our faces, like seriously being a little demon child!

She couldn't go to school today so we stayed home and I got lots of work done around the house. She's still being crazy, I really feel sorry for her teachers tomorrow! Whew, I'm glad I got this blog done, I'm going to call my mom right now so she gets off my back!!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for keeping us up to date- hey planted trees out to the homestead (smiths) 100 of them love ya mom
