Saturday, May 2, 2009

Having a Slumber Party!

It's Priscilla and Greg's big anniversary get-away weekend, so Landon came over for a slumber party! They've been absolutely wonderful all day, we've stayed pretty busy too. I think Shark Tales has been played 3 or 4 times, Landon's favorite movie, they played with Zoey's grocery cart and made coffee quite a few times for each other. This was at nap time they were knocked out! They looked almost looked like twins, they were laying the same way and their hair color is a lot alike...

We were inside hanging out and I hear a plane go over, a little loud but nothing much. Then I hear super loud, almost breaking the sound barrier, windows rattling, F-16 fly over! I grab up the kids and of course Zoey is wearing Landon's shoes so he has on no shoes so I just scoop him up and we ran outside just in time to see it fly right over the house!!! I forgot they are having an air show at the airport close to my house today. He did 3 more loops and dippy-do's right over our house, it was soooo loud, the kids had their hands over their ears but they loved it!

Since we were outside we played lots and lots of bubbles and then Zoey ran into the table and got a boo-boo. Landon ran right over and kissed it for her, it was soooo sweet! They have played so well today! I kept teasing Greg that I was going to dress up Landon and paint his nails and put bows in his hair and he didn't really like the sound of it. Zoey got some clip-on earrings for her birthday and he brought them to me and said they were Zoey's ears. I tried to put them on him but he wouldn't dare let me! He kept saying "No not Landon's ears, Zoodie's ears, not for Landon he's a boy!" I guess Greg is rubbing off on him after all!
Beau made some ribs and I got lots of neat pictures from Priscilla on my phone of the baseball game. It looked really cool and lots of fun, even though it was pouring rain on them!
The other day Zoey walked around in daddy's boots for a while then she said they were way too heavy. Looked really cute though!
Well, I'm off to bed, the kids are asleep and I'm hoping to get to sleep in a little in the morning. Anything is better than getting up at 4:45! Plus I finally got Zoey's new shelves in that I ordered, hopefully get that put together and get her room straghtened out! Beau went to Lowe's today and got some house fix-up stuff. He replaced a few electrical sockets, the toilet seat, the fridge light, and the oven light! His honey-do list is a lot shorter now!


  1. sooo glad the kids had a fun weekend-we are home from the wedding very nice to see all the family talk to u later-love mom

  2. Thank you Thank you Thank you for watching Landon. I have a little something for you. I'll get it to you probably tomorrow, I'm still working on it!!!! You and Beau plan something, bring Zoey over. Landon was asking for her as soon as we got home. I think he thought she was in my car! ha, he is sound asleep, ya'll wore him out!!! THANKS AGAIN!!!

  3. Hey Aften! How are you!!!!??
