Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Council-Woman!

So I got a phone call today from my mom telling me she won the City Council position! I'm so proud of her and I'm glad she had the guts to do it! I've never known her to do anything like this, when she told me she was running I was kinda shocked to say the least, but I'm glad she did. Congrats Mom! We're proud of you!

I love this picture of Mom... it was at the Fair in 2007, we had a lot of fun that year!

This picture was taken when I was in the hospital, minutes away from being wheeled in to my C-Section with Zoey. I was sitting in the wheelchair, sobbing by the way, scared out of my mind, and my mom is taking pictures of me. Then she turns to me and says, "Hey take some of me in my scrubs!" So, I did, I mean she's my mom, what was I supposed to say? Too funny, looking back I think it's funny, but I was pretty ticked when it happened!

My cousins Tanna and Stuart have started building their house in the country near Sharon Springs. I'm so excited for them, I can't wait to see how beautiful I know their house will be! Here's some of their progress, the shed is being put up right now as I type this, the whole family is pitching in... It reminds me of when we built the barn up north from the house. The whole family was working on stuff, helping out, it makes me homesick... I wish I was there to pitch in and let Zoey play in the dirt!

We had a big dirt pile for a while behind the barn after it was built and I loved it! I always played on it and did whatever I did back then, I think I was like 8 or 9. Anyway, my cousin Tanner, who was like 16 or 17 at the time, was teasing me one day about it and then went and took a big ol pee on it! I was sooooooo mad I don't think I ever played on it again! Seeing the kids playing on the dirt pile reminded me of that! Hopefully nobody pees on their dirt mound!
Well, that's all for now, I'm trying to decide what to do for supper, but I better get something going quick!


  1. thanks for the support love ya mom

  2. don't you remember that was your "ariel" and he didn't do it on purpose, but it sure was funny when you yelled and cried all the way to house to tell Grandma. I remember he said "I didn't know it was her stupid "ariel"
