Sunday, April 5, 2009

Heart Pajamas!

Today has been a relatively lazy Sunday, did some grocery shopping and a couple loads of laundry but nothing too exciting... I was getting Zoey ready for bed a little bit ago and the whole time before the bath, during the bath, brushing her teeth, and combing her hair she kept talking about heart pajamas. She kept telling me "I want my heart pajamas Mama! Can I wear the heart pajamas?" I assumed they were her monkey ones with the hearts on them but noooo... she wanted these!

These are like size 18-24 months and she even made the comment they were a little tight by her feet but she was sooooo happy to get to wear these pajamas! The thing is, she hasn't worn or even seen these pajamas in months! I can't remember the last time I put these on her, it's been a really long time... I'm curious to know what sparked her memory to them or how she even remembered them in the first place... too funny.

We got her this Princess story book yesterday for her birthday but of course with her being pukey yesterday I was all for giving it to her early. It made her so happy and she carried it around all day today. We had to read Cinderalla, again, before going to bed tonight and she knows just what's going on... We've never seen the movie so I don't know where she picked up on Cinderella so much, but hopefully I'll be able to find it before her birthday...

Well, that's all I know today, I have a super early morning tomorrow and the next few mornings! I'm going to the gym after work to try out my new shoes though, I'm excited! More to come later!

1 comment:

  1. sooo glad you found the heart pj's - they do look a little snug--maybe i can finf more for her birthday love mom
