Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I just finished watching American Idol and I'm absolutely shocked that Adam didn't win! After they announced it I just sat there and Beau kept saying what happened, is that who you wanted to win, you look shocked, what happened? I haven't liked Kris since the beginning, he should have been voted off looooong ago! Dangit, I thought Adam was going to win for sure, I'm in shock!
Off to other news, last night Zoey, my neighbor Ashley, and I went to the Celebration Singers program at the Paramount Theatre downtown, which is beautiful I must say! A lady I work with sings in the group and she invited me so we checked it out. We sat way up in the balcony and Zoey was really excited, she kept telling us to be quiet when the music came on since I had been telling her for like 3 hours priop that we were going to go listen to singers and she had to be very very quiet. She did really well the first 30 minutes or so, then got a little fidgety so we left after about 45 minutes. They sounded amazing and I'm really glad we went!
It's a little dark and blurry but this was inside the theatre on the sides, it was really pretty...
Since it was still early and we didn't know how to figure out the parking lot, haha, we decided to walk around downtown and window shop. We found this really pretty waterfall coming out of a building and it had some benches and stuff. Zoey was completely amazed and of course we had some good photo ops.
I love this one!

Zoey was getting a little wheezy so after we came home I gave her a breathing treatment and she said she felt better and went to sleep. She woke up around 2 and needed another one so Beau made an appointmet for today and took her in. The doctor said it is likely a viral thing with asthmatic tendencies. They gave her a stronger medicine than Albuterol and something to clear up her nose and help with her cold. I'm glad the doctor gave us extra Albuterol last time so I could do something for her last night! She's doing much much better, except for not being able to sleep very well and being a little grouchy, but her breathing is all that matters! That's scary stuff, I hate it when she gets wheezy like that.

Beau had some appointments today and get lots of gear like shirts, goggles, and knee and elbow pads. They told him he needs to report in Iraq by June 4th so he'll be leaving either next Friday or Saturday. I'm glad he will get to visit with the Smith family a little bit before he goes! We are all excited you guys are coming!!!

Well, it's off to bed, tomorrow is my last day of work then we have a 4 day weekend... woo-hoo! We have lots of stuff to do this weekend, so I'm ready for a long weekend!


  1. looks good glad you had a good time mom

  2. sooo glad beau passed his shooting and got his stripe------you should see landon's swingset wow love mrs. jerry wahlmeier

  3. hope this works now love you mom
