Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Alrighty, it's been a while, I think I'm a little out of practice! Things have been going great here, I've been keeping super busy, all my friends have been keeping me on my toes, thanks guys!!! Almost every Saturday we go swimming with my neighbor Ashley and her baby Sarah, her blog is on my page, go check it out! We've been hanging out with my friend Nicole and her son Jackson quite a bit, she has a kiddie pool and the kids love it! I told her the other day I should just get one here for the house and she said I couldn't because I wouldn't come over any more!

They could not wait for the pool to fill up but they were both great listeners and didn't mess with the hose...

Zoey rode around on Jackson's back for a while then he took a turn on hers. It was funny she never said a word when he rode on her but he said she was heavy right off the bat. Nicole laughed and said, "Oh he's such a man, already complaining!" Made me laugh, they had such a good time.

She got a bigger pool and last weekend we let the kids play for a while then put them down for a nap and we hopped in! All we could really do was sit, but sit we did, it was soooo nice and cool.
The other day Zoey brought home her first piece of homework, crazy! Her teacher sent her home with a stuffed monkey, a journal, and the book 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. We kept him over the weekend and we had to write in the journal with a few pictures about what we did with the monkey. It was really fun thinking of things to do with him, we decided to write about how Mr. Monkey helped us... He helped us be safe...

He helped us share with friends...
He helped when we were sad...Helped us have fun on the trampoline...and helped us read the book!

I really enjoyed doing this with Zoey and she still talks about the monkey!

The other night while getting Zoey ready for bed I discovered her closet was full of water!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!! I kept hearing at work about when your husbands get deployed, whatever can go wrong, will. Oh I freaked out but I ran and got my neighbor Cody and he came to the rescue!!! Turns out the run-off for the Air Conditioner unit had some build-up and it was leaking underneath and then went into Zoey's closet. He blew it out with an over-sized turkey baster and everything came out fine... except the monster that was living underneath my air conditioner!!!!!
I was completely embarrassed to see how filthy it was under there! I had to take some pictures, we cleaned it all out I think it's better now, hopefully!
Blech, it was gross! Thanks sooooo much Cody and Ashley, you guys have helped me out more than you realize!!!!!

We hung out at Priscilla's a couple times too and swam in her shark pool, the kids always have so much fun when they get together! They're on vacation, lucky, so they've been busy this past week but we hung out and had a looooong overdue wine night! It's so nice to relax and chat and let the kids play!
Well, I wanted to get some pics up, I'll try to keep up with this thing since we've been doing so much lately. Beau's been doing ok, his computer broke so he was kinda bummed but he had another one ordered and on it's way and it has a webcam on it! We went and got a camera for our computer here yesterday and set up Skype so we can video chat, I'm so excited!!!! If anyone has Skype let me know we can chat!

I have a ton of ham roll-ups to make for a work pot luck tomorrow so I better get busy. After tomorrow we have a 4 day weekend, yay!!!! We are spending 4th of July with Nicole and her family, I'm excited! Hope everyone is well!


  1. I was begining to wonder what in the hell happened to you!!!!! lol, glad you are keeping busy, that is the best thing to help time pass. And I do have grass left, thankyou very much. I love going outside and picking weeds, very much a stress reliever for me

  2. nana kriss says--sooo glad to see all the kids having fun love mom
